About Southeastern Training Group:
The Southeastern Training Group (SETG) range is located about 15 minutes northwest of Alma, GA. It is a private range not open to the public outside of classes hosted and scheduled. Your class host will email you directions to an easy to find rally point and you will head to the range from there. The range is in the middle of nowhere and you won’t be able to find it on your own so it’s crucial you pay attention to that information. If you are traveling for a class, the best hotel and food options are available in Douglas, GA which is about 35-40 minutes from the range. Students coming for classes report better choices in lodging and food in Douglas versus Alma.
Jacksonville, Florida is just over 2 hours South and we highly recommend the Jacksonville airport for students flying in for classes versus flying into Atlanta. From the Jacksonville airport US1 is very easy to access and US1 will take you to Alma, GA and within 15 minutes of the range. The Atlanta airport is just over 3 hours North. Savannah, GA is approximately 2 hours away with an airport also.